• Joe Torre - Monday, February 5, 2018 2:23 PM

    What have you tried and what is the desired output?

    i tried below query, but this does not work with all scenarios.  it always get Max values for test which does not have parallel test , rather it should SUM for different tests.SELECT SUM(vbn.new) as NewestimatedTime from

    SELECT CASE WHEN xyz.parallelMethodId = 0 THEN sum(xyz.estimatedTIme)
                when xyz.parallelMethodId =1 THEN Max(xyz.estimatedTIme)
                end as new
    SELECT CASE WHEN abc.parallelMethodId IS NULL THEN 0
                WHEN abc.parallelMethodId IS NOT NULL THEN 1
                     END as parallelMethodId,abc.estimatedTIme
                                from(SELECT testmethod, Max(estimatedtime) as estimatedTIme , b.parallelMethodId FROM temp_testmethods A
                            LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_parallelmethods B ON B.parallelmethodid = A.id
                            WHERE testmethod IN ( 'T103', 'T102', 'T109','TX','TX1' )
                            group by testmethod,b.parallelMethodId) abc) xyz
    group by xyz.parallelMethodId) vbn