• leehbi - Tuesday, February 6, 2018 8:51 AM

    We have table compression on for our big DW fact tables: Columnstore for some and traditional row store compression. Currently working with SAN engineer to see if we can get higher read speeds.  SAN (all flash) box is compressed too.
    Does turning compression off on the database help read speeds?  Even if read speeds went up the level of IO would go up, possibly negating any improvement, plus don't want to lose the value of column store 🙂  
    Does anyone have a view on how DB compression plays with SAN compression?  Should one be turned off or do they play well together?

    If you think your IO isn't performing at its best, the right way to go about things is to BENCHMARK various configurations. Then you are not guessing or basing a HUGE decision off of some forum posts!!

    I would first start with the server hardware (including CPU and especially RAM) and then have a HARD look at EVERYTHING in the IO stack from RAM to actual ones and zeros in some dots somewhere. Find bottleneck,. remove, lather-rinse-repeat until you have "acceptable" IO.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service