• Try this out:

    DECLARE @Table table (
        Col1 char(1),
        Col2 varchar(6),
        Col3 smallint
    insert @Table
    With groups (Col1, Col2, Col3) as (
        select Col1, Col2, sum(Col3) AS Col3
        from @Table
        group by Col1, Col2
    select Col1, Col2, Amt
    from (
        select '1' as Seq, Col1, Col2, Col3 as Amt from Groups where Col2 = 'before'
        union all
        select '2' as Seq, Col1, Col2, Col3 as Amt from Groups where Col2 = 'after'
        union all
        select '3' as Seq, B.Col1, 'Diff' as Col2, B.Col3 - A.Col3 as Amt
        from Groups B
        inner join Groups A on B.Col1 = A.Col1
        where B.Col2 = 'before'
        and A.Col2 = 'after'
    ) r
    order by Col1, Seq