• coolchaitu - Monday, January 29, 2018 9:24 AM

    Grant Fritchey - Thursday, January 25, 2018 8:58 AM

    coolchaitu - Wednesday, January 24, 2018 11:24 PM

    Good Morning Experts,

    We had a database on SQL Server 2012. INSERTS were running fine. We migrated this database to 2016 and noticed same INSERTS taking very very long time. Could it be due to different settings on SQL 2016? Please help

    Lots more details. Just an INSERT or an INSERT with a SELECT? Statistics? Execution Plan? Structures?

    There is no way in the world for someone to give you enough information to begin to troubleshoot your problem when you define the problem as "taking a very long time." It could be anything. You have to provide some information for us to even start to make educated guesses.

    Only INSERT

    That's good, but still doesn't provide us with the information needed to answer your question.
    We need DDL including indexes defined, the execution plan for the slow execution.