• Sue,

    You have the right of it.

    I am very adept at scripting in SQL Server.  However, I normally only use scripting for backups when I want to stripe a backup or moving the tempDB database or something else particular.

    Now that I am using and deploying more AGs, I am finding that scripting works better in that regard as well.  I set up the restore logs for the AG.  Right before I hit ok, I hit the script to a new window.  

    To my surprise, the norecovery statement had not been added.  I had it checked in the GUI.  This is why my database was not left available for the AG as a secondary.

    I had to restart the process all over again.  Thankfully, it didn't take a long as the first time.  But now when I need to set up a database to be added as a secondary and the database is large, I am sticking with scripting the backups.


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.