• This will give you a list of the system views that have information on check, default, and other constraints > 

    select * from sys.all_views
    where [name] like '%constraint%'

    From here I would focus on the constraint name and check against it against source control. 

    If you dont have or cannot access source countrol.. you have to get a little creative.
    As a catalyst, I like to refer to my trusty adventureWorks database.

    Something akin to > 

        distinct OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) as tableWithConstraint
    from sys.default_constraints
    /* get from check constraints, etc... */

    and put those names in a temp table. 
    You can then employ a cursor to to run the sp_helpconstraint command on each of those tables. 

    Try one case on your own

    sp_helpconstraint  'sales.salesTerritory'

    As I said, this is to get you started with a creative approach to the solution. You can always output the results to a text file. Play around with it and the solution unfolds.
