Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General 350GB virtual memory usage only 163MB RAM SQL is limited to 32GB memory. RE: 350GB virtual memory usage only 163MB RAM SQL is limited to 32GB memory.

  • gatorx - Thursday, December 28, 2017 11:42 AM

    GilaMonster - Thursday, December 28, 2017 11:38 AM

    gatorx - Thursday, December 28, 2017 11:18 AM

    I agree something is wrong, but it is SQL that is paging out, I start the SQL Server service and the page file grows exponentially and essentially crashes the OS, I stop the SQL service and everything goes back to normal and the page file drops to 70GB. So SQL is paging, I am just not sure how or why, at this point all ideas are welcome :).

    The thing is that SQL does not use the page file itself. The only way it can affect the page file is if the OS forces SQL's memory out to disk. If it does, there will be error messages in the log stating so. Are there?
    If not, then what you may be seeing is a response to the SQL service. It uses memory and, as a result, the OS writes something else into the page file.

    What in the OS could cause it to page SQL, by the way this is SQL 2012 on Server 2012, when there is 60GB of free RAM?

    What are your min and max memory setting for SQL Server?