• Hi markdh.climb,

    wow thank you for your answer!
    I am using ADO connection in my FE often for example in Excel applications 🙂 

    So it is very interesting challenge for me.
    if yes then write the field values in the rs to the forms text boxes etc.
    It is ok and it would be not a problem. 
    I can open one connection and set up recordsources for all comboboxes, textboxes etc. using MS SQL Server tables. 

    Or if using a data grid write them to the local table.
    This is very interesting. Data Grid does not exists in Access 2010. 
    What can i use here?
    Furthermore if you have local table and deleting data from it - your Access FE database can be robust to much.
    Please explain it in more details 

    I tend to do this by executing stored procedures with input parameters by passing the inputs as ado parameters in an ado command object 
    Nice approach. Can you please give an example of your code for this? 
    Maybe something like this? 
    Dim cn as ADODB.Connection, rs as ADODB.Recordset, cm as ADODB.Command
    Dim strSQL as String, strName as String

    strName = “Smith’s Plumbing”
    intUniqueKey = 12

    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
    cn.Open ConnStr() ‘I have a function ConnStr with my ADO connection string
    strSQL = “Update tblMyTable Set fldName = ? Where mytable_uno = ?” ‘note the question marks.

    Set cm = New ADODB.Command
    cm.CommandType = adCmdText
    cm.CommandText = strSQLupd

    ‘create an array of the values to replace the question makes in the same order as they appear in the SQL statement.
    aryParms = Array(strName, intUniqueKey)

    ‘run the execute command and the second parameter of the method is the array created above.
    Set rs = cm.Execute(,aryParms)
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set cm = Nothing
    Set cn = Nothing

    Thank you very much !!