Home Forums Programming SSDT Weird Depolyment issue with package with a script task. RE: Weird Depolyment issue with package with a script task.

  • frederico_fonseca - Tuesday, December 12, 2017 1:03 PM

    did you find out your self or did you find something on the net? 

    We have a similar problem on our shop at the moment.


    Been doing a lot of testing and posting on the MS forums. Here is what I found. If your Integration Services Server is 2016 then you need to stay with SSDT 16.5. You also need SSMS 16.5 installed as well. When You deploy a package within SSDT it needs to use the 2016 isdeploymentwizard.exe . 
    if you want to read some of my testing details. Here is a link. https://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2710aac7-e896-48b1-9904-49dac98506e1/weird-depolyment-issue-with-package-with-a-script-task?forum=sqlintegrationservices

    but for everything to work correctly I downgraded SSDT to 16.5, install SSMS 16.5 and if you install SSMS 17.x + there is no issues but you have to keep 16.5 installed.

    Ok I have downgraded to SSDT 16.5 and Currently have SSMS 16.5 and I can deploy Packages now from SSDT.

    If I deploy the Project in SSDT 16.5 the script executes

    If I deploy the package in SSDT 16.5 the script execute

    If I deploy the package with SQL 2016 isdeploymentwizard.exe the script executes.

    So this is exactly what I want to work. Shame upgrading the SSDT breaks the package deployment for Integrations Services 2016.