• Thank you. I was able to get close to what I was trying to do, but does not seem to be kicking off the Cache refresh. My logic below:

    ---Find the Schedule ID for the report in question.
    select [ScheduleID]
         , c.Name
    FROM [ReportServer].[dbo].[ReportSchedule] r
    left join Catalog c on c.ItemID = r.ReportID
            c.Path like '%/xyz/%'
            and r.ReportAction <> 4 --eliminate Email Subscriptions
            and c.name in (
                'Report Name - ABC'

    ---- Execute the cache for that report.
    exec ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent @EventType = 'RefreshCache'
    , @EventData = 'FC792F92-2FB3-4D81-BA3D-C9ABCF6EF90C' -- ScheduleID from the 'ReportSchedule' results