• I can understand storing some types of files in DB. 
    like images or special needs files. 
    I had worked in the past on projects where we would store whole application distribution into the database to make updates and initial rollout simpler.  that is we would make a start up DB , upload the distribution into the table, back it up and deploy. 
    than on site , we would setup SQL, restore our back. make sure all permission are right, including special user for deploy update, than go to any client PC, drop an install exe file onto it and run it. 
    when run the install.exe (a small app that only consisted of few dialog boxes to allow connection to SQL config and a module to get the app from database into predetermined folder and run full install  ).
    once we were done, we could just upload any updates into SQL(we had special tools to do that if we had to do it offsite.) and any client on start up would check for updates and install them as needed. 
    Yes , the main app exe file was only a wrapper. it start check the db for updates and present the user with option to load the update if it was optional or to inform user about update if it was mandatory. 
    But office or excel files? I am not sure what the use that would be.