• Hi All,

    I have a basic robocopy cmd that copies new files with text changes within the .txt / .doc / .asp / .asa .dll files and many more filetypes to the destination folder

    i now want to be able to only copy the changed files (all file types) to a folder, so then i can copy this to another location.

    An example below;

    COMPARE FOLDER 1 with FOLDER 2 -------> OUTPUT changed files/folders to Folder 3

    the script i have below for comparing folder 1 and 2 file type changes, just the folder 3 part

    thank you in advance, and i can try provide as much detail as you need

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools>robocopy "E:\Test1" "E:\Test2" /MIR /E /COPYALL /V /NP /LOG:"e:\test.txt" /R:3 /W:30

    Log File : e:\test.txt