• Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Thursday, October 12, 2017 8:50 AM

    chrisn-585491 - Thursday, October 12, 2017 6:17 AM

     If the CTO of one of the most "important" data driven companies has two music composition degrees and no technical/data/security chops...

    I dislike this statement. A huge number of people in this industry do not have technical degrees, and are still quite cable. The CSO, not CTO, had a music degree. She worked at two banks and HP before Equifax. Implying or insinuating she didn't have technical skills isn't fair or appropriate. It makes a nice headline for media, but has no basis or grounding without additional research. Please don't speculate unless there is evidence.

    Maybe she should work at NASA or Boeing then... I hear John Scully did well at Apple since selling soft drinks and computers are just interchangeable "widgets". 

    The point is that there's a whole set of business/security requirements and best practices that a CTO/CSO should known and have their reports follow, especially one that holds the sensitive level of data that the big three reporting agencies do. And if she did work at banks, she should know better.

    This is the same issue as Volkswagen, except it's neglect/ignorance instead of malfeasance.