Home Forums Reporting Services SSRS 2012 Prompt for Windows Authentication when accessing report folders/reports RE: Prompt for Windows Authentication when accessing report folders/reports

  • jcourtjr 29296 - Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:01 AM

    I guess I should have said that we looked at that already and decided that it wouldn't be good for the users to be required to do that...

    Anything else???

    Not easily. Like I said, Internet Explorer/Edge uses Integrated Security, it's designed to "work" with applications/Services using it. You can build alternate Authentication methods for SSRS, however, this means losing integrated security and requires a lot of custom configuration.

    Is "Run as a different user" or using a different browser really that hard? They are much simpler options that having to "hack" the SSRS configuration.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.