• mercurej - Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:26 AM

    I used to be in the 'I don't have the time to learn that' camp.  I regret having ever resided there, I think some things in my career could have been a bit different if I had focused on continually learning early on.  However, partially inspired by reading 'The Voice of the DBA' daily (or mostly daily) for several year now, I have started to make a point of doing some type of learning.  I have used Microsoft Virtual Academy, started visiting specific blogs regularly and grown my collection of technical & business books.  I have even setup Lunch and Learns when I had a local team

    Every Friday my lunch hour plus another half hour is blocked out for training on PluralSIght.  Only major emergencies cause me to miss that time.  I have encouraged my remote team to do the same.

    It's never too late to start making learning a priority.

    Good for you