• Robert Sterbal-482516 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 4:38 AM

    I would recommend checking out LibraryThing.com:


    to see how the site handles discovery.

    They also offer a commercial small library service, which is free to use with your personal catalog.

    The thing with that is it's still a digital catalog of sorts. Using tags, subjects, etc. from others, often doesn't provide a randomness.

    The nice thing about the library is that I have topics ordered by author, but as I browse, I don't always go by author. I walk and my eyes may move up and down, I may skip whole sections, looking for a shape and size, color, name, or picture that catches me eye. When I do that online, I tend to still get stuck in a very narrow filter bubble.

    The analog world creates a randomness that I'm not sure is easy to deplicate on a computer.