• I wrote a similar script and I used a wait loop to display encryption progress every 2 seconds.  I found it helpful when encrypting large databases so I can tell that the server is not hung up and also get a feel for about  when it will be done.  Fair warning: For very large databases it may say "100% complete..." for a few seconds before it finally finishes.

    To display progress, the following code can be pasted between the "Exec (@sql)"  and "FETCH NEXT FROM apply_tde into @dbname" commands in Prem Kumar's script:

    /* Show encryption progress */
    Declare @PercentDone as int
    Declare @EncState as int = 0
    Declare @StatusMsg as nvarchar(255)

    WHILE @EncState not in (3,-1)
        SELECT @EncState = coalesce (max(encryption_state), -1), @PercentDone = coalesce (max(percent_complete),0)
        FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys
        WHERE db_name(database_id) = @dbname

        set @StatusMsg =
       N'Encrypting ' +
       @dbname +
       ' database using AZ_TDE_PRD certificate. ' +
       cast(@PercentDone as nvarchar(4)) +
       N'%% complete...'

        RAISERROR( @StatusMsg, -1, -1) WITH NOWAIT;
        WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
    IF @EncState = -1 RAISERROR( N'No encryption key found!', -1, -1) WITH NOWAIT;