• Sue_H - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 8:23 AM

    Sandeep DBA - Wednesday, May 10, 2017 1:05 AM

    Cluster file server resource 'FileServer-(ABCSSQL)(Cluster Disk 1)' cannot be brought online. The resource failed to create file share 'Output' associated with network name 'ABCSQL'. The error code was '3'. Verify that the folders exist and are accessible. Additionally, confirm the state of the Server service on this cluster node using Server Manager and look for other related events on this cluster node. It may be necessary to restart the network name resource 'ABCSSQL' in this clustered service or application.

    The server did a shutdown, restart so you'd need to check the logs on why that happened - there could be something in the cluster log so you may want to generate the log to look through that. The last error is exactly what it is saying - the file share resource couldn't be brought online. So you need to check the resources and check however this file server share is setup, if the dependencies and possible owners are correct. 


    HI Sue,
    Thanks for the response but problem s that cluster errors are occurring frequently major problem is  these below mentioned errors with failure ID 23 on that erros switch over occurred so please advise why these errors are occurred after 12 hours, clustering errors are occurring frequently means every hour or 2 hour.

    1- The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 72, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 23. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message.

    2- The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 115, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 23. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message.

    3- The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 70, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 23. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message.
