Home Forums Programming SMO/RMO/DMO What happens if a user tries to execute some SMO object when they have low priorities? RE: What happens if a user tries to execute some SMO object when they have low priorities?

  • So, are you saying that whether I use SMO or not, eventually a SQL SELECT will be performed?\

    I posted a similar question in the EF forums on the MSDN Entity Framework forum and someone there recommended that I use the following SELECT:

    p.name AS [Name] ,r.type_desc
    sys.server_principals r
    INNER JOIN sys.server_role_members m ON r.principal_id = m.role_principal_id
    INNER JOIN sys.server_principals p ON
    p.principal_id = m.member_principal_id
    WHERE r.type = 'R' and r.name = N'sysadmin'

    I've been experimenting with the code and it doesn't seem to give me what I'd hope for. In fact, running the above code exactly as it is given, returns only 1 record: 

    Name: sa
    type_desc: SERVER_ROLE

    I'm not familiar with any of those views (which is what I think they are) so I'm just poking around trying to figure them out.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.