• thedspaincrew - Monday, March 20, 2017 9:07 AM

    fschreuder - Monday, March 20, 2017 4:51 AM

    Jeff Moden - Sunday, March 19, 2017 4:52 PM

    Good bit of research there.  Thanks for sharing.

    Of bigger concern to me is the whole nature of this task.  If LINUX and MongoDB is so good (according to some), why is it the folks using those couldn't come up with the report(s) on the LINUX/MongoDB side of the house?  Seems like that would have been the better/faster choice instead of dragging data from one server to another.

    Why is it you don't have your reportingservice running on your (production)databaseserver? 🙂 Mind you; you respons reads a little biased?
    With SSRS in place/activly used; that would be the logical choice for a single datapoint (as I understood from the original post).
    Ad-hoc implementations often grow sour on you. That is "multiplatform"!


    Thanks for posting the script Michael! Allways great to be able to stand on the shoulders of guys ('n girls) bigger than me!

    [/edit]; added thanks to orignal post and added bias-question 😉

    My response is totally biased in favor or SQL Server vs Open Source solutions.  "Free" isn't always "Free"..  Basically my script is my ETL process to the data to a place where it is in a usable form.  The nature of the task was to deliver to a manager a list of customers with the disaster recovery sku in place.  I am providing my manger access to the table where this data lands.  Didn't really see the need to get SSRS involved.  He just wanted a way to track this info as we roll out upgrades to this app.

    Hi Michael,

    There was no bias in your article; seeing the additional info I'm quite surprised that there wasn't any 🙂

    Agree with your observation on "Free":
    Free is not Free as in Free beer!
    It is Free as in Freedom... that too is not without cost...

    Hey; I'm biased too! I try not to be.... but that doesn't always work out!
    I (perhaps mis-)understood that you only had to get a teensy detail from "foreign" database-systems ASSUMING that it was chosen through a rigorous selection process to best fit the job. From your later comment I understood that was less so.

    To often I suspect that lack of (a broad) skill-set is the reason to spread FUD

    Sorry for any misunderstandings I'm responsible for! Hope I've been able to clarify!

    [/edit]: added on-topic (Free) response