• If (as I think you do?) you re-use column names in other tables then if you have CustomerID in your Customer Table, as the PKey or as a Unique constraint/index, then if there are columns on other tables also called CustomerID they would be potential candidates for a FKey.

    My naming, which we've debated and you are not a fan ;-), would be:

    EDIT: Sorry, it was Sean I debated this with, not you, apologies.

    cus_id on the customer table


    inv_cus_id on the invoice table.

    We always use the full column name of the column from "the other table", so I do reliably use this to detect any column usage within another table and report where FKeys are missing.

    But I don't think my cus_id / inv_cus_id naming is any different to your CustomerID naming (in this regard) - provided that you use it reliably, and "everywhere"?

    But maybe I've misunderstood the question and you want to go beyond this?

    It did cross my mind whether it was worth checking SQL statements (e.g. from Profiler or some DMV) and parsing the JOIN conditions out of them for anything that didn't match an FKey. I suppose the query planner only considers indexes (and not FKeys?) and therefore you cannot get a "suggestion" for an FKey out of the DMVs as a side effect?