• Janine Bocciardi (7/18/2013)

    I had the same problem. Checking the 32-bit runtime box still sometimes didn't result in it actually "sticking." I found that I had to actually alter the job step to add the proper '/X86' syntax to the command. I actually tested this by checking the box and then scripting the job - still no 32-bit option set! I honestly think there is a bug in the 2012 GUI for setting up the job step, but in any case, try this:

    Right-click the job, choose Script Job...check out the section for the SSIS job step. Look at the @command piece. You SHOULD see '/X86' after the server name and before the '/Par' (see below).

    If you don't, you can copy the whole line, ADD the '/X86' and then modify the job...like this:

    EXEC dbo.sp_update_jobstep

    @job_name = N'MyJOBName',

    @step_id = 1,

    @command=N'/ISSERVER "\"\SSISDB\MyPackage.dtsx\"" /SERVER "\"MyServer\"" /X86 /Par "\"$ServerOption::LOGGING_LEVEL(Int16)\"";1 /Par "\"$ServerOption::SYNCHRONIZED(Boolean)\"";True /CALLERINFO SQLAGENT /REPORTING E'


    Hey man thanks for the hint, it was just what i was looking for!

    I was running into the same issue as OP and your solution just solved my problem.

    And btw, your answer must be the only answer in all internet to address this issue lol

    Thanks 😀