• Dear Andy,

    I'm working through the BIML stairway series as SqlServerCentral and I think I've hit a wall.

    I have several instances of SQL Server on my laptop, so I need to specify a specific instance. The first few lines of the code for step 4 read:

    <#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>

    <#@ import namespace="Varigence.Hadron.CoreLowerer.SchemaManagement" #>

    <# var connection = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode("SchemaProvider", "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"); #>

    <# var tables = connection.GenerateTableNodes(); #>

    However, I have to change the Data Source to

    Data Source=.\sql2012

    Note that this is usually valid in a connection string and I use it all the time. However, BIML complains:

    c:\Users\Redirection\brittg2\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\BIML\BIML\GenerateStagingPackages.biml(3,87) : Error 0 : Unrecognized escape sequence.

    I think that BIML sees the back-slash and things it's an escape sequence, or is that the XML parser?

    Anyway, I replaced the single back - slash with a double. That got me further, but I still have an error:

    Validating BIML

    1/4 Emitting Project IncrementalLoad_Source1.dtproj.

    1/1 Emitting Package IncrementalLoad_Source1.

    (-1,-1) : Error 0 : Node Source1 Source: Could not execute Query on Connection SSISIncrementalLoad_Source:

    SELECT [ColID], [ColA], [ColB], [ColC] FROM [dbo].[Source1]

    Instance failure.

    FWIW, Building a package in the designer worked no problem. Made an OLEDB connector to SSISIncrementalLoad_Source. Added an OLDEDB source adapter to read the table [dbo].[Source1]. No problem!

    Oh also, I ran Profiler to try see what was happening. As far as I can see, the query mentioned in the error:

    SELECT [ColID], [ColA], [ColB], [ColC] FROM [dbo].[Source1]

    Was never sent to the server. Is this a problem in the error reporting?

    How do I get past the "Instance Failure" error?

    Edit: I solved the failure, the problem is that the backslash must be escaped in C# but NOT in XML

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses