• For those considering buying SQL Complete from dbforge DevArt, I'd just like to say that I've been having serious issues with it for the past year and they do not fix them.

    1. They override your default database so when you hit "New Query" you are working in a database of their choosing. Be careful! You could be updating a database other than your expected one. They connect to other databases on startup, preventing you from restoring databases you never connected to.

    2. When you hit "New Query", run sp_who or something short, and close the window, ALL of SSMS gets completely locked up and you lose all work in all sheets. This is because they create a second connection that takes 40 seconds and somehow it is attached to your new query sheet window. This happens to me every day unless I explicitly look and wait, and wait, and wait.

    3. All syntax throughout your whole script must be correct or SQL Complete aborts any attempt to offer completion to the current statement.

    4. Cached prompting is rarely up to date and is generally in limbo with what it presents. It is like its always two or three steps behind you.

    5. You have to write your statements out of order for it to be somewhat helpful. For example, always write "select * from table1, etc" so that you can use alias prompting back in your select columns list.

    6. I tend to jump around and write parts of a SELECT and have it all come together at the end; this doesn't work well with SQL Complete as it gets confused by non-sequentially progressive writing.

    7. There is no way to have it offer prompting help on just one statement in a script.