• Ok,

    Here is some more sample data.

    If you run the Inner query for #ItemLedgerEntry you will see 8 results appear.

    For the Locations that have no records for SumQtyCommitTotal in the #SalesLine table a 0 should appear.

    The CTE should then return 8 records even if no records are in the #SaleLine table.

    Please let me know if any more information is needed. Everyone's help has been very appreciated. Especially Greg Snidow for his PM and Eirikur.

    use tempdb


    drop table #salesline;

    drop table #ItemLedgerEntry;

    --create the temp table

    Create table #SalesLine


    Novarchar (50) not null

    , LocationCodevarchar (50) not null

    , QtyCommitint not null


    create table #ItemLedgerEntry


    Novarchar (50) not null

    , LocationCodevarchar (50) not null

    , QtyRemainint not null


    --insert test data

    insert into #SalesLine


    NO, LocationCode, QtyCommit



    ('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'NJ', '150')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'NY', '62')

    insert into #ItemLedgerEntry


    NO, LocationCode, QtyRemain



    ('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'NJ', '150')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'NY', '966')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'FL', '240')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'ND', '8')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'OD', '143')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'LA', '0')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'TRANSFER', '0')

    ,('0000-6896-31 MISC', 'DROP', '0')

    With SumSalesQtyCommit as


    select [No]

    , [LocationCode]

    , Sum([QtyCommit]) as SumQtyCommitTotal

    From #SalesLine

    group by [No], [LocationCode]


    SumQtyOnHand as


    select [No]

    , [LocationCode]

    , SUM([QtyRemain]) as QtyOnHand

    From #ItemLedgerEntry

    group by [No], [LocationCode]


    select ile.[No] as ItemNo

    , ile.[LocationCode] as LocationCode

    , ile.QtyOnHand as QtyOnHandByLocation

    , sum(isnull(sot.SumQtyCommitTotal, 0)) as SumQtyCommitTotal

    From SumQtyOnHand as ile

    left join SumSalesQtyCommit as sot

    On sot.[No] = ile.[No]

    where ile.[No] = '0000-6896-31 MISC' and ile.locationcode = sot.locationcode

    group by ile.No, ile.LocationCode, ile.QtyOnHand

    Order by ile.[No]