• Jack Corbett (8/25/2014)

    There are a few issues with your attempt at an expression in SSRS.

    1. 0 can't be converted to a date by .NET (the basis for the expression language) so you need to replace it with "1900-01-01" which is what 0 translates to in SQL Server for DATETIME.

    2. "QQ" is not a valid Date Interval in .NET. The short hand for quarter in .NET is "Q", but I would recommend not using the short hand in either T-SQL or .NET. In .NET you would use DateInterval.Quarter. There is no ambiguity when you spell things out. In this case it has to be Quarter, but when you get to the M's it could be confusing (Month, Minute, Millisecond, etc...

    So for your first expression I think you want this:

    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, DateAdd(DateInterval.Quarter, DateDiff(DateInterval.Quarter, DateValue("1900-01-01"), Today()),DateValue("1900-01-01")))

    I'm going to assume you can work out the other expressions you need.


    I didn't realize that you alredy replied for this.

