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  • Eric M Russell (8/20/2014)

    Gary Varga (8/20/2014)

    Eric M Russell (8/20/2014)

    When traveling outside the US, especially to a country with a State Department travel warning, you should consider leaving your smart phone and laptop at home and instead carry a disposable flip phone will call forwarding. When local airport security pulls someone off the side for enhanced screening, it could be a pretext for perusing the contents of your personal device data.

    ...and for us in the UK and elsewhere: When traveling to the US you should consider leaving your smart phone and laptop at home and instead carry a disposable flip phone will call forwarding. When local airport security pulls someone off the side for enhanced screening, it could be a pretext for perusing the contents of your personal device data. 😉

    I agree totally. Even a 70 year old retired school teacher flying from Georgia to Florida to visit the grandkids could find themselves pulled into the homeland security twilight zone simply because they share the same name as someone of the US no-fly list.

    Joking aside, we have all had a peek at the invasive spying on one another recently; US on Germany, Germany on Turkey and those are spying on close allies then we have China on US, US on Russia. Of course, here in the UK we have GCHQ to land ourselves in the same spying trouble too. Then there is [Country] on [Same country]'s citizens - replace with different countries for various incidents.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!