Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) append record from the same table , change customer field based on parameter RE: append record from the same table , change customer field based on parameter

  • table design arcustomer

    [Customer] [char](7) NOT NULL,

    [Name] [char](30) NULL,

    [ExemptFinChg] [char](1) NULL,

    [Salesperson] [char](3) NULL,

    [CustomerClass] [char](2) NULL,

    [Salesperson,] [char](2) NULL,

    [TermsCode] [char](2) NULL,

    [Area] [char](2) NULL,

    [Branch] [char](2) NULL

    two parameters would be provided sx_customer_code and parent_customer_code

    data sample

    CustomerName ExemptFinChg Salesperson CustomerClass Branch Area TermsCode

    AB11153 anna mira NA02T3ABALG

    AB10154alex johnson NCXMT3ABALG

    AB11155South Mall YA02T3ABALP