• Thank you for your kind reply.

    In fact all documentation is in their page..i was so stupid...:-)

    I read it and i was able to registry their assembly.

    I was also able to change columns order using these ASSP libraries...

    I solved all my problems creating a normal ACTION (i read their examples)...

    I was able to :

    Change Order columns

    I can run an action also over a calculated measure not only over a standard measure

    I can change the name of the columns with a more friendly name..

    I think their very good...



    "[Vendite].[Importo Venduto] as [Importo Venduto]

    ,NAME([$TessereClienti].[Codice Tessera]) as [Codice Tessera]

    ,NAME([$TessereClienti].[Codice Tipo Tessera]) as [Tipo Tessera]"


    There a lot of ASSP useful for generic problems...not only DRILLTRough..

    I suggest to you to test them...

    Thanks again.