• Jim P. (8/5/2014)

    lshanahan (8/5/2014)

    I can imagine managers and directors saying, "What? You want another SQL Server license just for testing?"

    I've always have gotten the reading from our legal staff that setting up a server for dev or testing was considered legal and free as far as licensing is concerned. But it has to be in a separate domain.

    Have they all been wrong?

    Not free.

    Technically even the Evaluation editions are for that - evaluation, and not testing (whether MS would actually bother to persue you for that might be another point, but that means you're depending on their benevolence).

    That's what the DEV editions / msdn platforms are for. Certainly if you're using unpaid for full versions for testing, from everything I've ever been told by Microsoft licencing (see how I copped out there), that would be a breech and they could spank you very hard in the wallet.

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.