• Interesting article even though I have only skimmed it so far. I did read the introduction.

    Only thing I saw as quickly scanned the code that I would change are the data types of your table. If you do any queries between that table and the system tables you will get implicit data conversions that could affect performance. Things like schema names, database names I would use the sysname or nvarchar(128) data types not a varchar.

    What you wrote is actually timely out here in Afghanistan. Even though we are drawing down, we are finally implementing processes and procedures that the company will be rolling out to other sites worldwide that will make managing the different environments easier to support, especially as new people rotate in and out. Currently when experienced staff rotate home and new people rotate in we lose theater knowledge that we are now capturing and documenting. Yes, you would have thought this would have been done when manning was higher but it wasn't.