• Thank you for your feedback. I am not done with the database, and the ERD has some tables that may be deleted, or are thoughts at this point.

    I see the misspelled words (I'm horrible) I will take your advice and use more descriptive names. I was overthinking the idea. Measurements is going to hold "tablespoon" aka 'Tb', etc.. This is mostly for the form to submit keeping different spellings, or abbreviations out of the recipes. Still working on overall layout.

    I have much work to do and will take your suggestions (recommendations) to heart. The category table is just a thought, I may use may not. I want to possible organize drinks by category for simplicity because there are many types of martini's, amount others. Was just thinking if the three tables Ingredients, Recipes, and drinks were 3NF. I have a horrible habit of overanalyzing.

    I will use the links you provided to further develop my understanding.

    Thank you again.:-)