• You can get around this by creating a new column of type DT_DBDATE and using this new column to write to the CSV file.

    First, add a new derived column transformation between your source and destination.

    Next, add a new column to the derived column transformation. In the Expression field, use something similar to the following: (DT_DBDate)MyOriginalDateColumn. Replace MyOriginalDateColumn in this sample with the name of your date column from the source query. Use the <add as new column> selection to be sure this is a new column.

    Finally, in your flat file destination component, use the new date field you just created in place of the original date field from the source.

    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant
    TimMitchell.net | @Tim_Mitchell | Tyleris.com
    ETL Best Practices