Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 High Availability Automatic Mirroring fail over and see Login failed errors in error log of current Mirror server RE: Automatic Mirroring fail over and see Login failed errors in error log of current Mirror server

  • Gazareth (7/17/2014)

    Expected behaviour, no?

    The connection string specifies ServerName and FailoverPartner. So the app tries ServerName first, then FailoverPartner if unsuccessful.

    The login errors you're seeing are the attempts of your app to connect to ServerName, which fail as it's the mirror and the database are unavailable. The connection then tries FailoverPartner and is successful.

    Hi Gazareth,

    So as this is not expected behavior, can you please give me some insight on what should be i looking into to troubleshoot and find the cause of these failed logins. Interestingly all the websites are functioning fine. Is there anything i can look into IIS webservers end? to find out that the connection attempt is going to (old principal)current Mirror server instead to the actual current Primary server(old Mirror server). Thanks.