• Chord77 (7/15/2014)

    I am interested in this, are there any good resources for learning more about T4 templates? (A quick search shows lots of questions asking about T4 templates)


    There isn't a lot out there for T4 tempates with SSDT because it is so new. The only blog post I've found is this, http://dataidol.com/davebally/2014/03/29/t4-support-in-ssdt/ and it is very basic. I'm keeping my eye out for the video to be posted of this SQLBits Session scheduled to be presented this Saturday, http://www.sqlbits.com/Sessions/Event12/T4_Templating_within_SSDT_using_SQL_Server_2014, as I'm hoping this helps clear up some questions I have as to how to best incorporate T4 templates in my projects.