Home Forums SQL Server 2014 Development - SQL Server 2014 loop and query CSV files in a folder using union all query to form resultant table on server RE: loop and query CSV files in a folder using union all query to form resultant table on server

  • sifar786 (7/5/2014)

    the above queries work fine in sql server now, but donot know how to automate job schedule to scan network folder for csv files and run those queries on the csv files.

    i think i should not go ahead with PIVOTING the 2 tables that are produced after running the above queries on the csv file, but rather work with those 2 tables themselves as they contain all the KPI's starting after column 'EAN'.

    BTW, as per your earlier suggestion, i am reading on cubes and think they might be the right approach - however, donot know how to create a cube from a single denormalized table containing everything, but not having a primary key.

    please advice.

    here is one method for bringing files into SQL.........


    in one of your previous posts you mentioned passing parameters back to a SQL sproc from excel.....


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