• I agree with the sentiment of this article completely.

    The accidental DBA often becomes so because that is what their employer needs. That (for me) led me to SQL Server and now BI and I feel very lucky that there is demand for those skills & I've fallen into a job I love.

    I've also seen many people go down a different route: specializing on a system that only school districts or credit unions use (also because that's what their employer needs). But 4 or 5 years later they realise that their skills are only attractive to other credit unions or other school districts that use the same system and it's very hard to switch jobs. They become stuck to their employer because of a complete lack of demand for the skills they've got.

    Being conscious about the opportunities you get from your employer and making sure you don't specialise yourself into a rut are key pieces of advice I would impart to others starting out in the industry.

    Madison, WI