• A lot of stuff I do is ETL from other databases or plain old CSV files into our correctly designed actual DB the was designed correctly. Sometimes it is a one time thing other times it's recurring process.

    I have more than once had to do a left join like

    [font="Courier New"]FROM KeyTable k

    Left Join SubTblA SubA

    ON k.KeyFld = SubA.KeyFld

    Left Join SubTblA SubB

    ON k.KeyFld = SubB.KeyFld

    WHERE SubA.KeyFld is not null

    AND SubB.KeyFld is not null[/font]

    I have as yet to find diagramming SW that can handle something like that or an OR statement or a function in the join.

    Almost all the tools are looking for for "simple" queries, where we all have done complicated joins and formatting that just boggles the SW but not the human mind.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.