• 1)

    update t1

    set a, b, c, d .f

    from t1 a

    join t2 b on a.poleid=b.poleid

    join t3 c on b.t3id = c.t31d

    where b.poleid =1


    update t1

    set a, b, c, d .f

    from t1 a

    join t2 b on a.poleid=b.poleid

    join t3 c on b.t3id = c.t31d

    where a.poleid =1


    update t1

    set a, b, c, d .f

    from t2 a

    join t1 b on a.poleid=b.poleid

    join t3 c on a.t3id = c.t31d

    where a.poleid =1

    q1) which query i should select, i checked the plan both uses indexs.

    can using the b.poleid = 1 would be better because i have index on t2. or second query will alos work in same

    way, in all advers condition.

    q2) there is one guide line that is , to keep the small table first

    , on the other hand msdn says that , it does it automatically.

    if in this case there were more table in from clause

    would it be better to keep smaller table first.

    Q3) the third query uses t1 as second table in the join , it works fine but does not look

    logical , is it correct syntactically and conventionally.

    yours sincerely