• Sean Lange (6/19/2014)

    Ed Pollack (6/19/2014)

    raghava_tg (6/18/2014)

    create table #temp (id int, data varchar(80))

    insert into #temp (id, data)

    select 1, 'a,b,c'

    union all

    select 2, 'x,y'

    union all

    select 3,'j,k,l'

    select * from #temp

    i want to create a output like this.

    1 a

    1 b

    1 c

    2 x

    2 y

    3 j

    3 k

    3 l

    wanted to create table with above desired result.

    the values in second column is comma separated value.

    please help me with possible solution.

    One way to do this would be with a table-valued function such as this, which uses XML to parse through your comma-separated list:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.comma_split (@input_string VARCHAR(MAX))

    RETURNS @Result TABLE(Value VARCHAR(25))




    SELECT @x = CAST('<A>'+ REPLACE(@input_string,',','</A><A>')+ '</A>' AS XML)

    INSERT INTO @Result

    SELECT t.value('.', 'char') AS inVal

    FROM @x.nodes('/A') AS x(t)




    From here, you can call the function like this




    FROM #temp TMP

    CROSS APPLY dbo.comma_split(TMP.data) CSD


    Ed you should take a look at the DelimitedSplit8K function. It is way faster than the xml style splitter. 😉

    There's a bunch of fun ways to do this and in this one case I went explicitly for the shortest, quickest, and dirtiest 🙂 Not the least efficient way to do it, but an example of an alternative that's good for non-huge data sets.