• curious_sqldba (5/20/2014)

    thank you for the wonderful post.

    You're welcome.

    curious_sqldba (5/20/2014)

    i) I was able to set AG with partial clustering ( no quorum ,shared resources), can i still set up auto failover in AG?

    A cluster is a cluster is a cluster. If you have no disk or fileshare witness you are relying on Majority Node Set, for this you need an odd number of nodes. How many nodes are in the cluster?

    curious_sqldba (5/20/2014)

    ii) How do u decide which IP to use, does it have to be outside of the range listed in GUI?

    Not entirely sure what you mean here, could you expand a little


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉