• Jeff Moden (5/12/2014)

    -A (5/7/2014)

    Thanks for the replays.

    --Here is the answers to the follow up questions:

    1) I have to create this Index online since it is huge and I cannot afford such a long down time.

    2) MAXDOP was set to 10 at first and showed no significant improvement in speed. I believe at the end the create index still happens on 1 processor anyways.

    3) Also SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF or ON still didn't matter as SQL always seemed to use up all of the tempdb.

    4) This table is already partitioned by date and currently has 570 partitions.

    Wait justa minute... you have a partitioned table that has no Clustered Index??? :blink:

    What seems to be the problem ?

    Abdel Ougnou