• I think placing this in my test data script will resolve the issue (or rather, cover it, for both situations):

    DECLARE @DELETEDFROM_<tablename> bit = 1

    IF (SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('<tablename>') = 1 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <tablename>) = 0

    SET @DELETEDFROM_<tablename> = 0-- New table, has never contained any rows

    -- Need to run the above prior to clearing the table

    -- Run this after clearing the table

    IF @DELETEDFROM_<tablename> = 0


    -- New table, has never contained rows; CHECKIDENT(RESEED) treats it as a TRUNCATEd table

    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('<tablename>', reseed, 1)




    -- Table exists & was DELETEd FROM; need to use different RESEED value

    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('<tablename>', reseed, 0) -- Needed b/c DELETEd rather than TRUNCATEd this table
