• Yeah, I fixed it myself like following, Just wanted to share it so that others can get some help from code below:

    Alter Proc CustomerMonthlyActivityComparison @Year int, @Location varchar(50), @CustomerId int = null


    -- exec CustomerMonthlyActivityComparison @Year = 2013, @Location = '10,12,13,14,15, 19,20', @CustomerId = 12162



    if @Year = 0

    set @Year = YEAR(GetDate())

    if @Location = '' or @Location is null

    set @Location = '10,12,13,14,15,19,20'

    --set @Location = '12,15'

    --set @CustomerId = 10903679

    -- set @CustomerId = 10903680

    if @CustomerId = 0

    SET @CustomerId = null

    select customerId, cst_shortName, CustType, Rt_RForLocation, ST_SiteName,

    Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, [Dec], CurrentYearTotal, LastYearTotal

    From (

    select RT_CustomerID CustomerId, 'Forwarder' AS CustType, RT_RForLocation,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 1 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 1 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jan,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 2 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 2 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Feb,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 3 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 3 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Mar,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 4 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 4 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Apr,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 5 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 5 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) May,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 6 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 6 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jun,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 7 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 7 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jul,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 8 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 8 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Aug,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 9 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 9 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Sep,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 10 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 10 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Oct,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 11 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 11 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Nov,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 12 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 12 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) [Dec],

    sum(case when year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end ) CurrentYearTotal,

    sum(case when year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year - 1 then 1 else 0 end ) LastYearTotal

    from RootTable rt

    inner join dbo.Split(@Location,',') loc on rt.RT_RForLocation = loc.Data

    WHERE rt.RT_CustomerID IS NOT NULL AND rt.Rt_void = 0 AND rt.RT_BillTo = 0

    GROUP BY rt.RT_RForLocation, rt.RT_CustomerID


    select M_CustomerID CustomerId, 'Shipper' AS CustType, RT_RForLocation,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 1 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 1 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jan,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 2 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 2 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Feb,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 3 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 3 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Mar,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 4 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 4 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Apr,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 5 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 5 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) May,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 6 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 6 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jun,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 7 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 7 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Jul,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 8 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 8 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Aug,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 9 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 9 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Sep,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 10 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 10 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Oct,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 11 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 11 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) Nov,

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 12 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end )) + '/' +

    CONVERT(varchar(10), sum(case when month(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = 12 and year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year-1 then 1 else 0 end )) [Dec],

    sum(case when year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year then 1 else 0 end ) CurrentYearTotal,

    sum(case when year(rt.RT_ReceivedDate) = @Year - 1 then 1 else 0 end ) LastYearTotal

    from RootTable rt inner join [Master] m on m.M_MasterID = rt.RT_MasterID

    inner join dbo.Split(@Location,',') loc on rt.RT_RForLocation = loc.Data

    WHERE M_CustomerID IS NOT NULL and rt.Rt_void = 0 AND rt.RT_BillTo = 1

    GROUP BY rt.RT_RForLocation, M_CustomerID)x

    inner join Customer C on c.CST_CustomerID = x.CustomerId and c.cst_CustomerId = case when @CustomerId is null then c.CST_CustomerID else @CustomerId end

    inner join Location Loc on x.RT_RForLocation = Loc.LOC_LocationID

    inner join [Site] st on Loc.Loc_SiteID = st.ST_SiteID

    where CurrentYearTotal !=0 or LastYearTotal != 0

    order by CST_ShortName --CST_CustomerID
