• Thanks for help guys.

    Jack Corbett (5/2/2014)

    Jonathan Kehayias has a query in this blog post[/url] that finds parallel plans in the cache so you could compare your results to his.

    Oh, also, it could be that you don't really have performance issues and that CXPACKET just happens to bubble to the top because everything else is working so well. Some wait type has to be the biggest.

    Thanks for the link. I'll try his query when I'm back in the office.

    The server I'm looking into is pretty much maxing out on CPU and I/O. There are a good many Waits that need tending to, I'm just getting started 🙂

    Also, yours only includes procedures. It doesn't include ad hoc queries. You'd need to hit sys.dm_exec_query_stats for that.

    I did. Without the join to sys.dm_exec_procedure_stat. Same 2 procedures popped up. Nothing else.

    I'll will indeed use Jonathan's query.