• What is the result of print @STR ?

    I think it will be empty as you are building @strqry up with a potential outcome that it will be null. When you add the to @STR you will end up with a null string and therefore no query to run.

    The following is one way round the problem

    @transfrmdt date,

    @transtodt date,

    @cid integer,

    @Type char(1)

    DEClare @strqry varchar(max)

    DEClare @STR varchar(max)

    set @strqry= 'select name from Mas_C where 1 = 1 '

    If (@Type<>'')


    SET@strqry= @strqry +' and type='''+@Type+''''


    If (@cname<>'')


    SET@strqry= @strqry +' and cid='''+@cid+''''


    SET @STR =' SELECT convert(varchar (10),transdt,111)as Transdt,amt

    FROM Transcation WHERE 1=1

    and Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111) '


    print @STR


    SELECT sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    FROM Transcation WHERE Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111)

    (Edited to add)

    I ran the query above (with @type and @cname as empty) and got the following:-

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), transdt, 111) AS Transdt ,


    FROM Transcation

    WHERE 1 = 1

    AND Transdt BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @transfrmdt, 111)

    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @transtodt, 111)

    SELECT name

    FROM Mas_C

    WHERE 1 = 1

    I'm not sure if you wanted two separate queries, or if you wanted to have the second as a filter for name.

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