Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) How to modify these procedure for my input is null or zero RE: How to modify these procedure for my input is null or zero

  • It took me a while to go through your code to figure out what it was doing.

    As stated before, you just need to add a default to your parameter. But you should do a lot more than that. As Sean said, this might take a while to run due to the nested cursors.

    Here's a version that will handle the default value with no problem.

    alter procedure LAT_TEST_DYNAM0

    @dist_id int = 0



    CREATE TABLE #temp(

    pincode VARCHAR(10)

    ,latitude NUMERIC(18, 10)

    ,longitude NUMERIC(18, 10)

    ,descp VARCHAR(5000)


    INSERT INTO #temp

    select CAST( g.pincode AS varchar(10)),g.latitude,g.longitude,

    '<table border="1"><tr><th>Customer</th><th>Sales</th></tr>'

    + (SELECT '<tr><td align="center">' + convert(VARCHAR(10), cust_id)

    + '</td><td align="center">' + convert(VARCHAR(18), SUM(Sales)) + '</td></tr>'

    FROM ind_cust_det i

    WHERE i.pincode = g.pincode

    GROUP BY cust_id

    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')

    + '<tr><td align="center">TOTAL</td><td>' + convert(VARCHAR(18), SUM(sales)) + '</td></tr></table>'

    from ind_cust_det c

    inner join ind_geo_loc g on c.pincode=g.pincode

    where g.ind_dist_id = @dist_id

    GROUP BY g.pincode,g.latitude,g.longitude


    SELECT CAST('00911' AS varchar(10))



    ,'Amrutanjan Area Wise Sales'

    WHERE ISNULL(@dist_id, 0) = 0

    SELECT * FROM #temp


    You might not even need the temp table, I just left it there to keep the data types you were using.

    Feel free to ask any questions that you have.

    Reference: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/comma+separated+list/71700/

    PS. Please check your code before posting. It was full of errors.

    Luis C.
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