• Sean Lange (4/30/2014)

    Jeremy Brown (4/30/2014)

    Honestly I don't feel as strongly one way or another. Fine, you want the object name first, go for it. You want the behavior first, fine by me. Its all a matter of perspective.

    That is the basic sentiment of this entire thread. Everybody, and every shop, has their own opinion. We all agree that no matter what you choose the MOST important thing is to be consistent. Most of us can, have and will work with established conventions as long as they are consistent.

    IMHO and as Sean said, it is about serving the purpose and being consistent. What ever standard is used, stick to it. Do not change half way through and plan for the target size and complexity of the system. Often names such as get_me_this,_that or _the_other are fine but sometimes they are not. And of course, this should be applied to [datacentre].[cluster].[server instance].[database].[schema].[whatever...]
