• I don't think the SUM will work in this case because there is a mix of indicators with values of 0, -1, 1. For the individual indicators I have: =CInt(IIF(Fields!Passed.Value, 1, iif(Fields!Passed.Value is nothing, -1, 0))) and this works fine. So for the Group column I need it to find if there is first, a 0 in the group of indicators, and display that but if there is also a -1, then display that instead. If neither are present, then it must all be a 1. Here is what I have: =Min(CInt(IIF(Fields!Passed.Value is nothing, 0, iif(Fields!Passed.Value, -1, 1)))) which is not working properly especially when there is all of one kind. Could it be the order that I have them in?