• jarick 15608 (4/24/2014)

    I've seen a lot of packages with a requirement of using the SA login for the install. If I had any say, that would be the end of the review and I would kindly show the developer or salesperson the door. However, by the time the DBA and Security teams see the software, it has already been purchased and sponsored by an executive who wants it installed last week.

    We had a SW package to install that used SA. That's because as part of the install it created other user ids that it used for the service to connect to the DBs and then there was a dll to register several packages. And we didn't even have to know the SA password as long as the DBA/sys admin was around to type it in. We only needed it for initial install and upgrades.

    I don't see anything wrong with that. Now if it is needed for the SW to run on a daily basis, that would be a different story.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.